Paul Virilio and I, in our different ways, share an intense interest in the changes brought about by technological innovation, by cultural and social upheavals, by natural catastrophes like earthquakes and the social and architectural responses to them. I see these extreme cases as the avant-garde of a coming normality, one that we must engage creatively now, inventing new languages, rules and methods, if we are to preserve what is essential to our humanity, that is, compassion, reason, independence of thought and action. Lebbeus Woods
About This Quote

Paul Virilio was a French philosopher, author, film-maker and theorist of media studies. He is best known for his book "The Aesthetics of Disappearance" which is a study of the impact of noise on society. Virilio’s interest in extreme cases can be seen in his work he has been doing over the past decade that focuses on the impact of technology on society. In this quote, he’s talking about how we can create innovative responses to extreme changes brought about by technology and natural disasters. He is saying that we need to think about what our future will be like if technology is left unchecked.

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  1. Paul Virilio and I, in our different ways, share an intense interest in the changes brought about by technological innovation, by cultural and social upheavals, by natural catastrophes like earthquakes and the social and architectural responses to them. I see these extreme cases as the...

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